17 Luglio 2023

SAS 812

code: SAS 812 - Da Assegnare
The SAS technology has initially been conceived for water base adhesives´ drying but it gives perfect drying with any solvent base glue with extreme drying rapidity.
Product Characteristics:
- Drying through constant and complete irradiation on all the surface that needs to be dried;
- Drying-Reactivation o(Solvent base adhesives 150-180 seconds (from adhesive´s application);
Drying-Reactivation of Water base adhesives 180-220 seconds (from adhesive´s application);
- Upper / Soles loading area;
- The temperature can be set differently for each channel upper / sole;
- Absolute absence of noises;
- Low power consumption;
- Touch Screen graphic control (SAS 808 — SAS 812 only);
- Reactivation maintenance system (SAS 808 — SAS 812 only).

Pairs per hour: 150 approx
Power: 13 kw
Voltage: 400/50
Air consumpt: 0,5 LT-HR
Dmensions: 319x108x155 H

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